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This institute aims to integrate a base research, a clinical medicine, and a paramedical science along with the School of Medicine installation in 1972, and to promote the medicine of an international level and the research of the related area overall.


The late founding President of Fujita Health University, Dr. Keisuke Fujita, established the Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science (ICMS) in 1972. Given his profound insight into the crucial contribution of molecular biology for a new era of biomedical science, ICMS was reorganized into 4 divisions to focus on molecular biology together with a new Ph.D. course of Molecular Medicine in 1985. ICMS is now constituted with 5 research divisions of modern biomedical science.
  • Molecular Genetics
  • Therapies against Intractable Diseases
  • Gene Expression Mechanism
  • Systems Medical Science
  • Biomedical Polymer Science [Closed]