Research Branding Project

Fujita Health University has been selected for the Private University Research Branding Project Type B (globally focused research) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Among 65 newly opened universities, Fujita Health University is one of the 27 that have been selected for the FY 2017 Private University Research Branding Project Type B (globally focused research) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Selection types:

Type A (society-focused type)
Research that contributes to the development of the local economy and communities, employment, culture and the development and refinement in specific areas.
Type B (globally focused type)
Research that contributes to the development of the international economy and communities and the advancement of scientific technologies through the improvement of advanced and academic research sites.

The Private University Research Branding Project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is a 5-year funding project for private universities that prioritize work on research that illustrates their comprehensive and unique characteristics, under the leadership of the president. The project provides comprehensive support for items such as operating expenses (approximately 30 million yen/year), repair of research facilities, and purchase of research devices and equipment.

Research project title:

Overcoming a Highly Stressed Society
Building a brand as an “Advanced Research and Development Hub University for Psycho-Neurologic Diseases”

Research details:

As a hub site for advanced research and development of psychoneurological and neuroscientific research, development of diagnostic drugs, treatment drugs, and functional foods through international and industry–academic collaborations based on a bioresource database that has been built through the aggregation of data from the network of the largest university hospital in Japan and those associated with psychoneurological diseases both within and outside Japan and that enables omics analysis of images, genomes, and metabolism.

Target research outcomes:

1. The identification of environmental factors associated with the onset of psychoneurological diseases, including stress, lifestyle habits, diet, etc.
2. The identification of target molecules that fluctuate during the process of progression from a healthy state to before the onset of psychoneurological diseases (an unhealthy state)
3. The identification of target molecules related to treatment responsiveness and the occurrence of side effects
4. The identification of target molecules related to the etiology of psychoneurological diseases and elucidation of the mechanism of multifactorial pathology
5. The elucidation of the physiological role of target molecules in the peripherals and correlation with the pathology of lifestyle-related and rare diseases
6. The development of diagnostic drugs, treatment drugs, and phytochemicals for psychoneurological diseases through industry–academic and international collaborations