
教授 山下 貴之
YAMASHITA, Takayuki, Professor

Our sensory preferences are either determined instinctively or shaped by experience. We are attempting to elucidate the neural mechanisms by which our model animal, the mouse, establishes and changes their preferences for specific sensory stimuli using a combination of electrophysiological techniques and various technologies.


Aiming to elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying sensory preferences.

触覚嗜好の神経生物学 -Neurobiology of tactile preferences

We are investigating the neural mechanisms behind preferences for certain tactile stimuli. We recently discovered a floor texture on which mice prefer staying. Mice are also known to prefer tactile social contact with other conspecifics. We are trying to identify the neural circuits responsible for these tactile preferences and understand their physiological functions, learning-induced changes, and pathophysiology in psychiatric disorders.

研究テーマ -Research Topics-

  • 触覚に基づく嗜好の神経機構
  • 社会性行動の神経機構
  • 大脳皮質における感覚情報処理機構
  • X線を用いた光遺伝学技術の開発と応用
  • 各種精神疾患における神経回路病態

連絡先 -Contact information-

山下 貴之 教授 YAMASHITA, Takayuki, Professor
E-mail: takayuki.yamashita<at>fujita-hu.ac.jp